Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Spatial Relationships

Here are some examples of types of "space" found in art.

Illusionistic or 3D space:

Kurt Wenner is a true modern master of representing three dimensional space. If you have the time, click on his link. His gallery is amazing.  In this picture, Dies Irae, the last day of judgement is depicted. The illusion that bodies are being judged and some are "heading downstairs" is captured in this powerful image.

Flat or 2D space:

In Matisse's famous painting, Woman with a Hat, the image of the woman is basically flat. Color provides some depth, but not a lot. This is 2D imagery, or flat space.

Here is another example of 2D art. This one is from a cave in France, 32,000 years ago.

Ambiguous, 2D/3D space:

In this example by Albrecht Dürer, the image of a rock face with trees can be manipulated by rotating the image 90 degrees. There is a 2D image of a horse with other trees in a 3D backdrop. This is an example of both 2D and 3D imagery, or ambiguous space.

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